Prima wins the ICC trade award
The International Chamber Of Commerce (ICC UK) supported by the Centre for Digital Trade Innovation (C4DTI) have chosen Prima and its "cash against data" solution as the winner in their digital trade awards as the "Best Crossborder Technology Solutions Provider of the Year 2024".

The judges of the ICC trade awards noted the facts that:
The Prima platform is operating at scale, digitizing over 20,000 shipments in 2023, around 100,000 trade documents and generating significant savings for corporate clients - and the award nomination was supported by a powerful case study involving a large, listed, UK fashion retailer.
The inclusive nature of the "cash against data" technology that Prima has pioneered which enables trade finance to become democratically available to SME suppliers and exporters including in emerging markets.
PrimaTrade's platform digitizes the financial supply chain for corporate buyers of all sizes (from smaller and mid-sized companies up to the largest multi-nationals).
Our client is typically the Treasurer or the CFO - and our cash against data solution delivers working capital wins by digitizing the financial supply chain.
We go live without disturbing the logistics systems and processes that clients already have in support of their physical supply chain.
Our clients are typically saving 1%+ on the cost of goods and generating US$millions of additional working capital by using our platform automatically to approve invoices for payment at shipment and then to get cash instantly to suppliers (our "cash against data" solution).

Prima's ICC award for digital trade
Thank you to the ICC and the C4DTI team for the award and recognition of the digital innovations that our platform is now bringing to the mainstream market.
We are looking forward to supporting the ICC's mission further to make trade work more efficiently and more sustainably.